The art of placement

When it comes to carrying out a successful overhaul of the interior decoration in your home or office, it is not enough to simply assemble a collection of expensive and aesthetically-pleasing items of furniture. No, this is in fact only half of the job. The other side is an aspect of redecoration that many people severely underestimate the importance of – the art of placement. 


You could have two identically sized rooms filled with exactly the same furniture, and even the most minute and delicate differences in furniture layout can alter the way that the room is perceived in a grand sense.Of course, one way of looking at the art of placement is in terms of the ancient Chinese philosophy of feng shui. Ancient Chinese people believed that proper furniture arrangement can actually increase your quality of life by making your spirit more in-tune with the environment surrounding you. Perhaps this is something that you could look into – you never know, you may find that it actually works! 

On that note, however, it is important to strike an appropriate balance between the artistic angle and the more comfortable approach – the importance of good home staging cannot be under-represented, but it is also vital to ensure that you manage to retain a cosy and homely living space.