Wallpapering - Designer's view

It appears to be something of a given in contemporary interior design that when it comes to the walls, paint is the only choice. Hours and hours will doubtlessly be spent poring over combinations of furniture, drapes, and other accessories, but relatively little heed seems to be paid to what approach to take with the walls. Granted, this mindset can – to an extent, at least – be understood – painting your walls in block or gradient colours can be a risk-free way of adding that little finishing touch to your design scheme. But why settle for a “little finishing touch”?

The walls are just as much a part of the room as the furnishings contained within it, so there really is no reason why you should completely avoid any attempt at experimenting with them – who knows, you may find an aesthetic that you enjoy even more.

Let us first get one thing straight – wallpapering takes effort. It certainly takes a lot more effort to implement than a simple paint job – the walls have to be properly prepared, and the paper has to be applied smoothly and pasted evenly. However, you would be remiss if you let that put you off – the wealth of inspired thematic choices that are opened up by choosing the wallpaper approach vastly outweigh the increased effort required to implement it. 

With wallpaper, your walls can be patterned – be that pattern contemporary, vintage, or something in between – rather than just a block colour, and these patterns add an entirely new dimension to your living space. You can turn a wall from a simple ceiling support and room boundary into a creative statement all its own – and all you have to do is look past the initially daunting prospect of installing it.